Stand Up for Racial Justice

This weekend saw hundreds of "alt-righters" (although I loathe that term, because let's be real, we're talking some literal Nazis and Klan members) marching through Charlottesville, Virgina Friday night.

White supremacists banded together under chants of hatred, tiki torches ablaze.

Saturday, counterprotestors gathered in preparation for part two of the "Unite the Right" alt-right rally. A grey Dodge Challenger shot down a crowded street at high speed and rammed into a crowd of counterprotestors. It then backed out of the street immediately. The suspect was arrested later that afternoon. Heather Heyer died in the attack.

This is a time when Nazis and the KKK no longer feel a need to explore their hatred in secrecy. They march in our streets--proudly, openly, and sans hoods.

This weekend proved that it doesn't take the threat of a nuclear war for POC to feel like they can die at any given moment. Protect your POC and Jewish friends. Educate the people around you. The time for being a moderate and not wanting the rock the boat is over. Making a difference doesn't mean you need to march every day or donate tens of thousands of dollars. That's not feasible to some of us who need to work daily, or aren't able-bodied, or live on a budget. We can do good in our lives by sending a few bucks to causes that speak to us and sitting down and talking to our racist/misguided friends (Showing Up For Racial Justice has their entire site dedicated to facilitating this conversation).

Here are some ways to support from afar via donations:

- The NAACP in Charlottesville

- Beloved Community, a direct response created to counter Unite the Right's rally (UPDATE: The pledge has been successfully completed, and the site is updated with other organizations to donate to).

- Black Lives Matter Charlottesville

- Legal Aid Justice Center, which provides legal representation to lower income incomes in Virgina.

- Charlottesville Solidarity Legal Fund, a community resource for anti-racism activism in Charlottesville.

- Medical Fund for Comrades in Cville, a GoFundMe created to support the medical bills of those wounded in the counterprotests.

- I'm happy to say Heather Heyer's GoFundMe goal was met, but there is one other that I'd like to present. A young Black mother/full-time student's car was hit and totaled in the attack on counterprotestors Saturday. As we all know, having a means of transportation is crucial to upward mobility. She is emotionally, physically, and financially injured, and not only did she have her car destroyed, she is also missing a considerable amount of work. Please donate here to show her support.

Thanks for reading, y'all. Let's make this world better.

Special thanks to Allie Kelley (Insta here and Twitter here) for her illustration.



  1. I've been looking for a list that compiles good places to send donations--thank you so much for pulling this together.

    1. I am totally agree with you, it's really very nice of you to consider it. - Riturai

  2. Fuck yeah Eugenie. Thank you for sharing these resources and for speaking up!
    Abby @clothesandpizza

  3. I'm so glad you're addressing this. Thank you for sharing the opportunity to help. My heart is heavy from all of these events, but glad to know I can help out directly in the smallest way.

  4. Thank you so much for putting this list together! Will be sharing this as much as possible ��

  5. Excellent list. Thank you for creating this.
    Much gratitude,
    Susan @suzillionaire

  6. Thank you for putting this list together. Sad doesn't begin to describe the impact these events have had...but there are opportunities for good to shine through.

  7. Thank you for using your platform to get across this incredibly important message

  8. You're such a good human. I'm off to donate right tf now.

  9. I am truly greatful that you posted these link and I really hope it helps people reach out. Compassion is where it starts to make life better

  10. This is exactly what I needed. Thank you for this list girl! Donation time and if you don't mind I'm going to ask people to ask check out this post and donate ����

  11. Thanks for this list. I'll be sharing it on my socials.

  12. Thanks for sharing all the places we can donate to. I can't believe this kind of hate exists in 2017.

  13. I really appreciate you doing this. It is so important, especially for those who are not able (physically or otherwise) to go out and protest.

  14. Thank you so, so much for this post. You're one of the only fashion influencers speaking about this and I love that you use your platform for what you believe is right.

  15. Thank you for this and for using your platform as a voice of peace <3

  16. I can't thank you enough for posting these links. It starts with compassion and then we can move on to being a better world. 💖Hwb

  17. I love this so much and have mad respect for you. Thank you for using your platform to highlight what really matters.

  18. Not to say other things don't. Just saying that today's political climate affects every aspect of our lives! So it really means a lot for you to devote part of your blog and voice to fighting for racial justice.
